"Pharmacovigilence and Medical Information internal quality audit at MSD">
"Introduction" checkbox="true"/>
"Intention and problem" checkbox="true">
"Why the audit" checkbox="true">
"Operational audit across departments " _note="Just in case something bad happens" checkbox="true"/>
"What happened" _note="Point + Example">
"Preparations for the audit" checkbox="true"/>
"The audit and how it worked" checkbox="true"/>
"Changes implemented" checkbox="true"/>
"Discussion" _note="For & Against + Examples" checkbox="true">
"What went good" checkbox="true"/>
"What went bad" checkbox="true"/>
"Broader context" checkbox="true">
"Regulatory compliance" checkbox="true">
"Within EU" checkbox="true">
"ISO" checkbox="true"/>
"Matching regulations" _note="https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/documents/scientific-guideline/draft-guideline-good-pharmacovigilance-practices-module-i-pharmacovigilance-systems-their-quality_en.pdf" checkbox="true"/>
"Outside EU" checkbox="true"/>
"EU regulations with outside EU" checkbox="true"/>
"Comparison with others" checkbox="true">
"Other departments `do legal regulations allow this` " checkbox="true"/>
"Other private or publicly listed for profit companies" checkbox="true">
"Historical data" checkbox="true"/>
"Current data `unlikely to exist or be legal`" checkbox="true"/>
"Press reports `unlikely to be accurate`" checkbox="true"/>
"Other public health companies not for profit" _note="Who published their internal audit" checkbox="true">
"?" checkbox="true"/>
"Comparison with reports" checkbox="true">
"Press reports" checkbox="true"/>
"Other To dos" checkbox="true">
"Rename section "broader context" kind of" checkbox="true"/>
"Copy and paste results and discussion between results and discussion section so they are as isolated as possible" checkbox="true"/>
"Make the headings more obvious e.g. "for and against"" checkbox="true"/>
"Use UK google" checkbox="true"/>
"Look at internal quality audits in UK as that is still abiding by EMA" checkbox="true"/>
"https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6886266/" checkbox="true"/>
""internal quality" "pharmacovigilance" "european medicines agency" report" checkbox="true"/>
"http://www.icmra.info/drupal/sites/default/files/2018-12/ICMRA%20PhV%20IAER%20SubWG%20Survey%20Final%20Report.pdf" checkbox="true"/>
"Recommendations for the future" _note="Evaluation" checkbox="true"/>